Connecting the world via audio and video

duur.in provides 'tele' solutions for education and healthcare (duur in Hindi means distant or tele)

Video Call

Voice Call

Share Screen

Real Time Messaging

Interactive whiteboard

Live Videostreaming

Live Audiostreaming



Ready. set .go

Ease of integration

Our solution is easily integrated into your web or mobile applications. Click here to learn more about our APIs and SDKs.

robust server infrastructure

SCale with EASE

Robust infrastructure

Our robust server infrastructure and specific proprietary optimizations ensure high Quality of Service (QoS) always.


Transform the way patients and medical personnel interact

Seamlessly connect medical professionals and patients by integrating duur.in's video and voice conferencing solutions with minimal development time.


Inspire educators and students to engage and learn digitally.

With duur.in's video conferencing for distance learning solution, implementing digital learning tools in the classroom like Screen Sharing, Whiteboard, Transcriptions, and online video is quick and cost-effective.


P2P Calls

Several of duur's clients use our robust P2P WebRTC solution for video and voice calls on all platforms - Web, Android and iOS.

  • Web (Javascript)

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Flutter

Scalable Solutions

Group Calls

Our solutions are apt for startups and large scale organizations alike.

  • Group video calls

  • Transcription

  • Large scale video conference broadcasts

  • Large scale voice only broadcasts